e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 30 (3) Sep. 2022 / JSSH-8475-2021


Al-Qur’an (Re)Presentation in the Short Video App Tiktok: Reading, Teaching, and Interpretive

Mahbub Ghozali, Achmad Yafik Mursyid and Nita Fitriana

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 30, Issue 3, September 2022


Keywords: Mediation, new media, teaching al-Qur’an, TikTok

Published on: 6 September 2022

Several previous studies have proven the significant role of social media in the reading, teaching, and interpretation of al-Qur’an. Therefore, this study aims to determine the models, factors, and implications of teaching al-Qur’an using the TikTok application, a popular social media platform utilizing a logical structure to emphasize the importance of its contents. A qualitative approach was applied in this study to mediate this function by collecting 47 al-Qur’an-related contents from six influential accounts. The results showed that TikTok is a mediator in disseminating al-Qur’an-related content, especially in teaching al-Qur’an. It is indicated by illustrations of how to recite al-Qur’an properly by following the tajweed, displaying a variety of beautiful and contextually meaningful readings. Furthermore, the uploaded contents are driven by the need to teach and recite al- Qur’an, expand da’wah, and respond to encountered questions and events. Therefore, the teaching, recitation, and interpretation of al-Qur’an on TikTok have an impact on the shift of the authority of the traditional al-Qur’an teaching to the more dynamic social media. In other words, this learning model forms a variation in how people learn al-Qur’an, from the conventional system to online through social media. These changes in the way and form of teaching on TikTok indicate that this application can be effectively used for da’wah and is an excellent way to spread the recitation of al-Qur’an without distorting the meaning and intention of its users.

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