e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 26 (3) Sep. 2018 / JSSH-1887-2016


Assessing the Influence of Intrinsic Motivation on Academic Performance: A Study of Management Teachers

Anju Tripathi, Kostubh Raman Chaturvedi and Abhinav Priyadarshi Tripathi

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2018

Keywords: Creativity, intrinsic motivation, management, performance, teachers

Published on: 28 Sep 2018

Motivation of teachers has become a crucial issue in improving the quality of education. Different research studies have been performed to establish the association between teachers' motivation and their performance in academics but still some areas are left to be explored. This research was initiated to fill up this gap. The main purpose of this study was to assess the impact of intrinsic motivation on academic performance of management teachers. In the research, the respondents were drawn from different management colleges of NCR in India affiliated to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM Analysis) was performed to draw the results. The results indicate that the intrinsic motivation of the teachers significantly affect their academic performance. Among the three intrinsic motivation factors that were considered for this research work, "creativity" is the strongest predictor of academic performance of the teachers. There are two major limitations of this research study; first one is the cultural dissimilarities prevailing at the different institutions from where the respondent belongs. Second is the trust on self-reported questionnaire data provided by the respondents. These limitations are discussed in more detail at the end of the paper. The results support the assessment that intrinsic factors of motivation are strong predictor of academic performance of teachers. This research study also indicates that "creativity" of a teacher is the strongest predictor of his or her performance among the other chosen factors. Therefore, Institutions may focus to enhance the "creativity" among the teachers for generating better academic performance.

ISSN 1511-3701

e-ISSN 2231-8542

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