e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701
Dale Akbar Yogaswara, Hikmat Kasmara, Wawan Hermawan and
Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 44, Issue 2, May 2021
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjtas.44.2.12
Keywords: Agriculture, banana, food web, nematode
Published on: 28 May 2021
Soil biota is very diverse and contributes widely to ecosystem services that are important in the sustainable function of natural and managed ecosystems. Knowing the condition of the soil food web through the communities that inhabit it is necessary to assess the productivity of the soil. Nematode communities in the soil food web can be used as indicators because of their high abundance, and they inhabit various trophic levels, and participate in several important processes in the soil. The soil food web condition from three locations (Agr1, Agr2, Agr3) through the nematode functional index was evaluated using the maturity index (MI), the maturity index 2-5 (MI-25), the plant-parasitic index (PPI), the channel index (CI), the enrichment index (EI), the structure index (SI), and the basal index (BI). Nematode diversity was evaluated using Simpson’s index of diversity, dominance, and evenness. The MI and MI2-5 scores indicated that Agr3 (3.81) had an undisturbed food web, while Agr2 (2.88 and 3.0) and Agr1 (2.5 and 2.51) were in a moderate condition with minor disturbances. Fauna profile analysis using SI and EI shows that Agr3 and Agr1 had an undisturbed soil food web, and Agr2 was in enriched conditions. CI results found that Agr1 and Agr3 had a fungal decomposition pathway while Agr2 had a bacterial decomposition pathway. We concluded from this research, that prospect of the nematode community to serve as a collection of biological indicator data in assessing soil or ecosystem health can be considered in further research.
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