e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 29 (4) Oct. 2021 / JST-2556-2021


The Effect of Storage Diversity on the Breaking Strength and Elongation of Polyamide Monofilament in Gill Net Fishing Gear

Herry Boesono, Fadhila Surya Layli, Agus Suherman, Bogi Budi Jayanto and Arief Yudhi Susanto

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 29, Issue 4, October 2021


Keywords: Breaking strength, elongation, fish, gill net, polyamide, synthetic fibre

Published on: 29 October 2021

The study aimed to determine the breaking strength and elongation of polyamide monofilament 0.44 mm in dry condition after treating with open and close storage. This study was an experimental study that refers to SNI ISO 1805: 2010 method. Data collection was done in the dry condition with two yarn samples from different treatments and one sample as a control. Each treatment was done 10 times of repetition. The test material was collected in one mesh. Then the locking distance was adjusted with the mesh size. The breaking strength and elongation score were tested using an autograph. The study found the breaking strength on polyamide nets stored closely was higher than open storage samples. On the other, the elongation value on monofilament polyamide nets stored closely was lower than open storage samples. There was an effect on different storage methods against polyamide breaking strength (sig 0.00), which was lower than α (0.05). Different storage methods also affected the elongation score of polyamides (sig 0.00) < α (0.05). In conclusion, there was an effect on different storage methods, open or close storage, against breaking and elongation strength of polyamide monofilament 0.4 mm.

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