e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 32 (1) Mar. 2024 / JSSH-8735-2022


Theory-Practice Divide: Pre-service Teachers’ Application of Pedagogical Knowledge During Teaching Practicum

Renuka V. Sathasivam, Mohd Nor Syahrir Abdullah and Rose Amnah Abd Rauf

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 32, Issue 1, March 2024


Keywords: Pre-service teachers, pedagogical knowledge, teaching practicum, theory-practice divide

Published on: 19 March 2024

Good teacher education programmes ensure good resonance between the pedagogical knowledge learned at the university and the teaching practical. However, the literature shows a significant gap between these two elements. This theory-practice divide can dishearten and potentially jeopardise pre-service teachers’ ability to remain in the field. This study investigated pre-service teachers’ experiences applying pedagogical knowledge learned at the university to their teaching practicum. The research aims to answer two research questions: (i) what pedagogical knowledge learned at the university was useful or inadequate during teaching practicum, and (ii) what suggestions do they have to reduce the theory-practice divide? An exploratory qualitative research design was employed. The sample consisted of seven pre-service teachers who had recently completed their teaching practicum. The main data sources were an open-ended questionnaire and online interview sessions. Data analysis used a constant comparative method to look for emerging themes. Two themes emerged regarding the first research question: (i) Useful Pedagogical Knowledge and (ii) Inadequate Pedagogical Knowledge. For the former, three categories identified were (i) general teaching methods, (ii) research-based teaching findings, and (iii) sharing of teaching experiences and modelling by lecturers. In the latter, four categories coded were (i) classroom management, (ii) online classes, (iii) completing official forms and (iv) comprehensive lesson plan. Accordingly, the pre-service teachers provided three suggestions to improve these adequacies. The study’s implications indicate meta-conversations among stakeholders for more holistic programmes and as starting grounds for curriculum reviews.

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