e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 30 (1) Mar. 2022 / JSSH-8240-2021


Factors Influencing ESL Learners’ Behavioural Intention in Using Edmodo: An SEM Approach

Jayanthi Muniandy, Malini Ganapathy and Munir Shuib

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 30, Issue 1, March 2022


Keywords: Edmodo, ESL learners, gender, SEM, UTAUT

Published on: 16 March 2022

This study examines factors influencing ESL learners’ behavioural intention in using Edmodo, a social learning network, as a virtual learning community platform under the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use Technology (UTAUT) model with gender as the moderator variable. A total of 200 English language learners from one of the public universities completed a five-point Likert questionnaire based on the UTAUT constructs: performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. The collected data were analysed using the structural equation modelling (SEM), and the results showed that facilitating conditions were the major predictor of learners’ behavioural intention. Besides, the learners’ gender had a significant moderation effect on social influence and behavioural intention. The findings of this study have the potential to enable English language educators to take into account the importance of the UTAUT factors and gender differences while developing an engaging and active virtual learning community.

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