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Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 33 (1) Jan. 2025 / JST-5003-2024


Spatial Dynamics of Macrobenthos Assemblages in Different Breakwater Systems in Kuala Nerus, Terengganu, Malaysia

Nur Fazne Ibrahim, Muzzalifah Abd Hamid, Mohd Fadzil Mohd Akhir, Wan Izatul Asma Wan Talaat, Ong Meng Chuan and Izwandy Idris

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 33, Issue 1, January 2025


Keywords: Bathymetry, breakwater system, groyne, Kuala Nerus, macrobenthos

Published on: 23 January 2025

The Sultan Mahmud Airport runway extension in 2008 resulted in coastal erosion along the Kuala Nerus shorelines. In response, different breakwater systems were constructed to mitigate erosion. Despite previous reports highlighting the effects of breakwaters on marine organisms, the local impact remains uncertain. Therefore, this study investigates the spatial impact of different breakwater systems on macrobenthos composition in the Kuala Nerus coastal area. Samplings were conducted at 12 substations across five main stations, covering sheltered and exposed areas. Results revealed 27,137 macrobenthos individuals, with groyne exhibiting the highest macrobenthos composition (8448.79 ± 2813.73 ind./m2). Gastropoda dominated (4971.01–41608.70 ind./m2), followed by Bivalvia (2927.54–12391.20 ind./m2) and Polychaeta (1000.00–4956.52 ind./m2). Macrobenthos compositions in the sheltered and exposed stations differed significantly (p < 0.05). The coastal area is predominantly sandy (30.68%–77.32%) with relatively stable total organic matter (TOM) and heavy metal concentrations. Current speed and significant wave height (Hs) are lower in sheltered stations, while bathymetry is deeper in exposed stations (up to 8 m). The macrobenthos assemblages are influenced by soft-bottom characteristics and food availability, with the hydrodynamic stress from the breakwater system governing these two primary factors.

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