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Geochemistry of Foraminifera in the Marginal Seas of the Sunda Shelf: A Review

Aqilah Nur Shahruddin and Che Abd Rahim Mohamed

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 31, Issue 3, April 2023


Keywords: Foraminifera, geochemical element, sea-level changes, Southeast Asia, Sunda Shelf

Published on: 7 April 2023

Foraminiferal geochemistry applies geochemical elements embedded in foraminiferal calcites through bioaccumulation to interpret and reconstruct past oceanic climate histories. Due to its extensive variability and abundance, foraminifera is the easiest to retrieve and the best indicator of marine productivity and ocean temporal changes. In this review, we discuss the development of foraminiferal geochemistry studies in Southeast Asia, analyzing its current status and potential areas to be developed, namely, the Sunda Shelf. The Sunda Shelf is one of the world’s largest low-latitude shelves, bordered by marginal seas and sensitive to sea-level changes. The shelf response towards changes in ocean salinity affected the isotopic signals in foraminiferal calcites, which can indicate sea-level changes ideally. The Sunda Shelf has the potential to be developed as a study area for eustatic sea-level changes as it is located far from major glaciation centers; hence through this review, we aim to highlight the potential of exploring the application of geochemical elements in foraminifera as an indicator for sea-level changes. To date, literature on foraminiferal geochemistry in this region is very limited, thus inhibiting progress in such studies. A comprehensive summary of past studies in this region is provided to give a general overview of the direction of foraminiferal geochemistry studies and serve as guidelines for future research.

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