e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 29 (3) Jul. 2021 / JST-2356-2020


The Characteristics of West Season Wind and Wave as well as Their Impacts on Ferry Cruise in The Kalianget-Kangean Cruise Route, Madura, Indonesia

Viv Djanat Prasita, Lukman Aulia Zati and Supriyatno Widagdo

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 29, Issue 3, July 2021


Keywords: Cruise security, wave height, west monsoon, wind speed

Published on: 31 July 2021

The wind and wave conditions in the waters of the Kalianget-Kangean cruise route in the west season are relatively high so that these winds and waves can have a dangerous impact on that cruise route. The aim of this research was to analyze the characteristics of wind speed and wave height over a 10 year period (2008-2017), as well as to evaluate the weekly patterns for three months (December 2017-February 2018). These time stamps represent the west season in waters at Kalianget-Kangean route, and to identify the impact of winds and wave on this path. The method used in this research is descriptive statistical analysis to obtain the mean and maximum values ​​of wind speed and wave height. Wind and wave patterns were analyzed by WRPlot and continued with mapping of wind and wave patterns in the waters of Kalianget-Kangean and its surroundings. The data used was obtained from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency. The results show wind and wave characteristics with two peaks formed regularly between 2008-2017, marking the west and east monsoons. In addition, the wind speed and wave height were generally below the danger threshold, ie <10 knots and <2 m, respectively. However, there are exceptions in the west season, especially at the peak in January, where the forces are strengthened with a steady blowing direction. The maximum wind speed reaches and wave height reaches 29 knots and 6.7 m, respectively. The weekly conditions for both parameters from December 2017 to February 2018 were relatively safe, for sailing. Moreover, January 23-29, 2018 featured extreme conditions estimated as dangerous for cruise due to the respective maximum values of 25 knots and 3.8 m recorded. The channel is comparably safe, except during the western season time in December, January, February, characterized by wind speeds and wave height exceeding 21 knots and 2.5 m, correspondingly.

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