e-ISSN 2231-8526
ISSN 0128-7680

Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 31 (1) Mar. 2023 / JSSH-8586-2022


Counsellors’ Emotions at Work: What Can We Learn from Their Experiences?

Siti Balqis Md Nor, Mohd. Awang Idris and Siti Amirah Ahmad Tarmizi

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 31, Issue 1, March 2023


Keywords: Counsellors, counsellors’ emotions, emotions, work emotions

Published on: 17 March 2023

The counselling profession plays a pivotal role and is often considered emotionally demanding. However, previously published studies on emotions at work have been limited in terms of research among counsellors. Hence, this study aims to explore (1) how counsellors perceive their profession, (2) how their work emotions come about when dealing with clients, (3) and what are the main job demands and resources of the counsellors. The current study employed qualitative research using a phenomenological research design. Individual in-depth semi-structured interviews with 44 registered professional counsellors in Malaysia were conducted to understand their experience of, and perceptions about, the counsellor’s job. Several themes developed based on the literature review, and discussions among the authors were made to see any disagreements regarding the selected themes. The team properly addressed any inconsistencies that arose. The first finding revealed that counsellors perceived their profession as a challenging occupation. As for the second finding, two themes were associated with the counsellors’ emotions at work: (1) positive and (2) negative emotions. Working conditions were the most recurring theme in the last finding of the study that influenced the job demands. In contrast, emotional support and professional growth were two job resources that helped reduce stress among counsellors.

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