e-ISSN 2231-8526
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Home / Regular Issue / JST Vol. 31 (3) Sep. 2023 / JSSH-8541-2021


Impact of Residents’ Trust on Behavioral Intention to Use Social Media for E-Administration Services

Mohammad Mainul Hossain, Hamedi Mohd Adnan, Muhammad Khalilur Rahman and Mohd Zulkifli Muhammad

Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology, Volume 31, Issue 3, September 2023


Keywords: Behavioral intention, e-administration services, resident trust, social media, subjective norms

Published on: 22 September 2023

Trust is the fundamental matter that improves residents’ willingness to utilize social media as a technology tool for e-administration facilities. Despite its significance in the e-administrative sector, there is a lack of empirical investigation on residents’ trust in behavioral intention to use social media for e-administrative services. This study investigates the antecedents of residents’ trust and its impact on their behavioral intention to use social media for e-administration services. An online survey platform was used to collect the data from Malaysian residents in Kuala Lumpur and Petaling Jaya area. Data were analyzed using the partial least square technique. The findings revealed that reliable information has a positive and highly significant influence on residents’ trust, whereas attitude, subjective norms, and perceived privacy did not significantly affect residents’ trust. The findings also indicated that residents’ trust significantly impacts behavioral intention to use social media for e-administrative services. The findings have significant insight into the residents’ trust and behavioral intention to use social media for e-administration facilities. The results of this research can help government associations and policymakers in the nation to adequately establish their systems in raising residents’ trust, driving towards their engagement through information technology, particularly social media technology for e-administration services.

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