e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 26 (T) Aug. 2018 / JSSH-T0753-2018


Interaction of Learning Models and Student's Condition in Improving Critical Thinking Skills at Accounting Vocational School

Nugraha and Imas Purnamasari

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 26, Issue T, August 2018

Keywords: Academic achievement, critical thinking, gender, inquiry based learning, Problem Based Learning, quasi experiment

Published on: 27 Aug 2018

This research was aimed at examining the interaction of learning models, Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) with Student's Condition, Gender Factor and Academic Achievement, to improve Critical Thinking Skills (CTS). It was conducted through a "quasi-experiment", with Accounting Vocational students as the object of the experiment in three types of schools, namely public school, privately-owned schools accredited "A" and "B". The experimental design used was factorial of 2x3x3 with three ways ANOVA. The results showed that gender factors had no interaction with learning models while academic achievement interacted with learning models in improving CTS. In the PBL learning model, students with low achievement have a higher level of improvement compared with IBL. Both model learning, gender and academic achievement interact with CTS. Therefore, the student's condition, namely gender and academic achievement must be the focus in applying IBL and PBL to improve CTS of students at Vocational School of Accounting.

ISSN 0128-7702

e-ISSN 2231-8534

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