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Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 32 (5) Aug. 2024 / JST-4607-2023


A Review on the Development of Microcarriers for Cell Culture Applications

Sia Yiik Swan, Muhammad Auni Hairunnaja, Nurhusna Samsuddin, Syed Mahmood, Mohd Aizudin Abd Aziz and Mohd Azmir Arifin

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 32, Issue 5, August 2024


Keywords: Biomolecule immobilization, microcarrier, polymer, preparation, surface modification

Published on: 26 August 2024

Microcarrier-based cell culture systems have gained significant attention and popularity in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. In this culture system, tissue cells are grown as a monolayer on the surface of small solid particles called microcarriers (100 to 300 μm), kept suspended in the culture medium by stirring. This technology has paved the way for creating engineered tissues, one of the cutting-edge topics in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Microcarrier-based approaches have been proposed for three-dimensional (3D) cell culture in which cellular morphology and functions are maintained in vivo. This paper provides an overview of the optimal characteristics such as microcarriers’ size, shape, density and porosity. Various methods of preparation of microcarriers and surface modification techniques have been elaborated. Recent advances and applications of microcarriers in biotechnology fields, like the production of viral vaccines and recombinant proteins, culture and expansion of stem cells (SC), are described.

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