e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702
Hai Wang, Feilong Yin, Shurou Chen, Ting Wei, Ziyi Qin, Jing Li, Xia Li, Xinhong Dong and Hock Eng Khoo
Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 48, Issue 1, January 2025
DOI: https://doi.org/10.47836/pjtas.48.1.01
Keywords: Antioxidant, cold storage, oxygen radical, preservation, subtropical fruit
Published on: 27 January 2025
This study investigates the positive effect of two storage temperatures on physicochemical characteristics, texture and structure of wampee fruits. The fruits were treated by storing them at low (10°C) and room temperature (25°C) for eight days. The results showed that the low-temperature (10°C) treatment compared to the room temperature storage could reduce fruit decay rate and weight loss, inhibit O2− production rate, maintain higher total soluble solids, and slower increment in total flavonoids and phenolics. Principal component analysis (PCA) and partial least squares regression analysis further showed that weight loss was positively correlated with the content of total phenolics and flavonoids. The changes in the physiological indicators of the fruits were notably affected by storage temperature, especially in the early storage stages. Texture properties analysis indicated that the hardness and chewiness of the fruit at the low temperature (10°C) were significantly better than that at 25°C. Fruit colour values (L*, C* and h angle) of fruits at 10°C were also remarkably higher than that at 25°C. All the results suggested that low-temperature storage was a convenient and effective method to maintain the quality of the wampee and extend its shelf life compared to room temperature.
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ISSN 0128-7702
e-ISSN 2231-8534
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