e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 30 (1) Mar. 2022 / JSSH-8215-2021


The Effectiveness of Parental Self-Efficacy Program to Improve Children’s Moral Development with Single-Parent Status

Henny Indreswari, Evania Yafie and Khasturi Ramalingam

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 30, Issue 1, March 2022


Keywords: Children, moral development, parental program, self-efficacy

Published on: 16 March 2022

At an early age, moral cultivation starts. If the child is in an area where, because of many factors, there is only a father or mother, this can affect the physical and psychological preparation of the child. The role of single parents in the development of children can be an obstacle to promoting child development, especially moral development. The value of training in self-efficacy for single-parents in stimulating moral growth is, therefore, an alternative option for children. This research aimed to examine the effectiveness of the Parental Self-Efficacy Program in improving the morality of children with single-parent status. This study explores one form of effort or experimental research to affect improvement. In order to determine the effectiveness of the parental self-efficacy program to promote the moral and social-emotional growth of children with single-parent status, a pre-test-post-test nonequivalent comparison group quasi-experimental design was chosen. Data were obtained from two community samples of 30 parents (mother) with single-parent families and 30 normal parent family status with children between preschool children aged 4 to 6 years. The findings showed that the parental self-efficacy program had an impact on improving the moral growth of children with single-parent status. It can be seen from the major differences linked to parental self-efficacy and the moral growth of children between the control group and the experimental group, where the experimental group had a higher average.

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