e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 26 (4) Dec. 2018 / JSSH-2256-2017


Implementation of Islamic Values in Houses around Darul Istiqamah Islamic Boarding School in Maccopa, Maros

Mursyid Mustafa, Ananto Yudono, Ria Wikantari and Afifah Harisah

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 26, Issue 4, December 2018

Keywords: Hadith, houses, Islamic Boarding School, Islamic values, Qur'an

Published on: 24 Dec 2018

Data in 2010 showed that the number of Moslems reached 87.18% of the entire population of Indonesia, meaning that the development of houses with the Islamic environment should have been considered. Houses with Islamic environment often found near the Islamic institution, such as Islamic Boarding school. The purpose of this study is to recognize the implementation of Islamic values in houses around Darul Istiqamah Islamic Boarding School in Maccopa, Maros. The study examined physical and non-physical aspects of houses around Islamic boarding school. The results revealed that Islamic values adhered by the residents among Darul Istiqamah Islamic Boarding School area, manifested physically in the houses' zoning system and non-physically through the daily behavior of the residents. The presence of Islamic boarding school could lead the local Moslem community to the implementation of Islamic values, both in physical and non-physical aspects.

ISSN 0128-7702

e-ISSN 2231-8534

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