e-ISSN 2231-8534
ISSN 0128-7702

Home / Regular Issue / JSSH Vol. 26 (4) Dec. 2018 / JSSH-2193-2017


Triple Helix Model to Improve Financial Literacy of Students in Faculty of Economics

Dwi Wulandari and Bagus Shandy Narmaditya

Pertanika Journal of Social Science and Humanities, Volume 26, Issue 4, December 2018

Keywords: Financial education, financial literacy, financial products, triple helix model

Published on: 24 Dec 2018

This study is aimed to reveal financial literacy among students and efforts to improve the financial literacy. This study used a mixed method. A quantitative approach is used to rate students about financial literacy of six components: insurance, stock market, financing, pension fund, pawn, and banking. The result showed that the majority of students was in the category of sufficient literate and also showed that financial literacy was the lowest in the insurance sector. This is partly caused by a lack of education about insurance in the Faculty of Economics. In order to improve financial literacy, especially in the field of insurance, we used triple helix model of the relationship between the University, Government and Financial Industry. In University, we can create an effective learning model positively correlated with the understanding related financial product where the financial product is a component of financial literacy. The Role of Government in this context is the OJK as overseeing and regulating the respective regulations of the financial industry. Financial Industry conducted socialization for students and society to make people believe more in their products. The cooperation of these three sectors are important to create a good synergy among parties related to financial literacy.