e-ISSN 2231-8542
ISSN 1511-3701

Home / Regular Issue / JTAS Vol. 5 (1) Jul. 1982 / PERT-0127-1982


Nitrogen Economy of a Sandy Soil under Groundnut — Maize Cropping Sequence al Kuala Brang, Trengganu

Othman Yaacob

Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science, Volume 5, Issue 1, July 1982

Keywords: N economy, grain legume, sandy tropical soil.

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G roundnut crops have been cultivated on sandy alluvial soil <> 900haj in Kuala Drang. Malaysia since 19 1 They are grown m rotation with rice or maize under village level technology . Using a m mi mum amo u n t of jc r tih z c r nitrogen. To m o n ito r changes in total soil A and the am o u n t o f removed bv crop and weeds. The Soil Science Department. L niversiti Tcrtanian Malaysia in collaboration with the local Turmcrs Organisation Iuthoritv .set up a small pilot research p ro/ect The am o u n t of removed by g ro u n d n u ts an d weeds and the level o j soil A at the en d o f one cropping phase were estima ted trom cro p p ed and uncroppcd control plots. . Iny average o] 130, 60 a nd 46 kg X .h a ' 1 ami c r o / r ’ was removed trom plots sown to groundnuts as stubbles, unshelled n u ts and weeds respectively , while 12 kg X .h a '1 crop 1 was obtained from weeds in control plots. The total soil X (0 -13 cm) was estim a ted to he lOSOkg .h a~ ' lorground nut plots and I4 S 0 kg A .h a '1 lor control plot. The significance ol these data is discussed in relation to tin overall economy of the system operating a t the village level technology in Malaysia.

ISSN 1511-3701

e-ISSN 2231-8542

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